

I share what I believe to be the truth. That is not to say that it is the truth, but that it is my truth from the conclusions I have come to. You are welcome to adopt whatever resonates with you.

If you want to know how you're doing in life; just look at your attitude and your intent towards other people – that's your barometer.

You may think you know another person but you don't really know them. You don't fully know yourself; never mind fantasising about others.

We are here to know ourselves by Gary Bate.

Our emotions are the indicators of the wisdom we are missing. Sometimes we have the wisdom but we are not yet living true to it. That's the Spiritual walk...

There are those who just talk the talk and those who quietly get on with walking the walk. A master is only ever found in the latter group. A master can prove that they are a master.

If you're on the slippery slope then it's not about what other people are doing or how much food you can eat; it's about what you can gain for your Soul. That's the internal focus you need to evolve yourself.

You'll never find what you're looking for in another person because they have their own agenda. Servitude is the path for the foolish - come volunteer for me, come serve me, come give me your power... ~ Gary.

This is my truth so take it or leave it by Gary Bate

Let's get excited by Gary Bate

Go Hotep Jesus by Gary Bate

Defy death by Gary Bate

Understanding is a blessed thing by Gary Bate

It really is Black & White by Gary Bate

Ultimate Responsibility by Gary Bate

The rub off and the face off by Gary Bate

We're all approaching the fork in the road by Gary Bate

The quintessential place to be by Gary Bate

I wrote this because you're just not going to get this from anyone else.

I am the author of 7 books about self-empowerment and self-help ~ please click Book Titles for details. I now only post on X twitter.com/Garywhatstress

